Monday, January 7, 2019

Resolve 2019

Well, it’s a New Year and we all are thinking, “What does this year have in store for us?”

I don’t know if you are a “resolution” person or not, but I hope you are considering some changes. Some changes I know of for me are minor…diet…time management…but some changes we consider are often pretty significant. My prayer is that you have thought of your relationship with the Lord and what the year will look like. 

At Pasco Christian this year we are focusing on deepening our relationship with Jesus. This means there will need to be some changes in each of our individual lives. Some things need reeled in and some things the line needs to be cut completely. To deepen our relationship with jesus will require more than our activity schedules and resolutions.  It will require a mindset change. Some Resolve.

You don’t have to do the things you use to do because you are not the person that you use to be.

That’s what Romans 6:11-14 is all about its about identity that drives the way we live.  These changes are not to make us better people, but to simply align our lives with the life we have in Jesus.

Read the story of Lazerus in John 11, in verse 44 Jesus tells the people to take the cloths off Lazerus….Why?  He was not dead anymore.  He was alive. Alive people don’t wear dead people clothes.

If you are a believer in Jesus, the same is true for you. If alive in Christ, then you are dead to old ways you use to live!

Ask yourself, what are the things in my life that simply don’t fit anymore? What grave clothes need to be taken off, so to speak. Because you are alive in Christ?
I am praying for our New Year, 2019, together!

Love God | Love People | Change Your World


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