Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Love Love Love

Noticed something last night.....though I have stated in the past I am not a big "Concert" fan, my mind has been changed.  Tell you why....Love.....We bought tickets for our worship and audio team at Christmas, for this team as a "thank you" gift for ministering with us in 2018.   It is fun hanging  out with our team.

Why the change of heart?  You know...a funny thing about Jesus is that the more He fills your heart, the roomier it becomes. My heart was filled to overflowing last night.
Of course, love can be lost. I know that.  I imagine we all do. Love can grow cold, relationships can wither, friendships can die away.  We probably all know the stats on how splintered or lost relationships can become.

Sometimes even misunderstandings happen, people move away, or we lose interest in each other. I think the withering happens when we think and live for ourselves rather than those we love. As soon as we expect something in return for our love, it is no longer freely given.

Reading Romans a lot, with the message series we are in at PCC, and I read a verse in my devotional time this morning in Romans 13:8 "Owe nothing to anyone - except for your obligation to love one another, if you love your neighbor you fulfill the  requirements of God's law."

The "Holy Roar" concert with Chris Tomlin, Tauren Wells & Pat Barrett reminded me that love is a debt I am willing to live with and can never repay.

Love, like life, involves risk. You can't really, fully love someone without risking your time, your feelings, the future. If afraid to risk, then afraid to love, because intimacy requires risk. Allowing the songs to pour over me last night reminded me that until you open your heart to someone to show them where you hurt the most, intimacy won't be found and you won't uncover the deepest secrets of love.  Again, reminded last night, until you do that with God, you don't see the depths of God's love for you.

Love Love Love Ronda and I are making this a habit of God filling our hearts with worship..."One Voice" March 22 at Grace Point in Pasco...Ryan Stevenson concert April 25 in Kennewick at Crossview... April 26 Steven Curtis Chapman in Yakima....

Maybe your heart needs a fill up....Love...Love....Love...

With a heart overflowing...
Love God - Love People - Change Your World

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